
The project “Eco4Life-South Baltic Network for Environmental and Life Sciences to Boost Cross Border Cooperation” plans to network and bundle competencies in environmental and Life Sciences in the coastal regions of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Klaipeda County.
The overall idea of the project is to decrease existing differences within the South Baltic area with regard of access to knowledge, technologies and development in the field of knowledge based bio economy. The main focus is to integrate two further South Baltic regions (Klaipeda and Zachodniopomorskie) into the related international cooperation of business, science and administration. This shall be achieved through specialised support structures (Eco4Life contact points). The project enables the regions and their businesses to establish alliances, which would allow for competing in the field of knowledge based bio economy on the international level. The target groups of Eco4Life, therefore, are existing knowledge based businesses, potential innovative start-ups in bio/life sector, regional politicians and key administrative offices.
19.09.2013, 00:00 by Birgit Pscheidl
International Phototherapy Association Congress, Vilnius
Read more … International Phototherapy Association Congress, Vilnius
17.09.2013, 00:00 by Birgit Pscheidl