International Phototherapy Association Congress, Vilnius
19.09.2013, 00:00 by Birgit Pscheidl
September 19-22, 2013
September 19-22, 2013 International Phototherapy Association Congress, Vilnius
The 5th International Phototherapy Association Congress will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in autumn 2013.
It will be organzied by the Lithuanian Univeristy, the preliminary program is under development.
The congress will be supported by the International academy of laser medicine and surgery, the European laser medicine association
and the Lithuanian laser medicine association and Lithuanian Physics association
Please find further information on
CleanMed Europe 2013 in Oxford, UK
17.09.2013, 00:00 by Birgit Pscheidl

Conference "Academic Entrepreneurship - the future of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship" , 14. December 2012, Szczecin, Poland
14.12.2012, 08:00 by Birgit Pscheidl
Conference "Academic Entrepreneurship - the future of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship" , 14. December 2012, Szczecin, Poland
During the conference the project assumpions will be discussed and project participants will present their innovative business plans. The second part of the conference will be the award ceremony for the fifth edition of organized by Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer the best thesis contest.The meeting will end with a panel discussion on the opportunities and prospects for the implementation of research results.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. More informatin can be found on website,862
"Moor futures" of the University of Greifswald on environmental fair in Poland
16.11.2012, 07:24 by Birgit Pscheidl
"Moor futures" of the University of Greifswald on environmental fair in Poland
Under the motto "German networks for the environment - Innovative projects for the future," the joint stand of the BMBF German will bring together environmental researchers and companies with Eastern European prospects. Further there will be represented German projects deal with plasma research, water management and wind energy.
Central European Life Science Investment Conference
18.10.2012, 08:03 by Birgit Pscheidl
2nd Central European Life Science Investment Conference 18-19.October 2012 in Krakau, Poland
The only event tailored to the CE life science investment market.Supported by commerce, academia and government:
- Listen to an international range of speakers
- Meet central Europe´s most important players in the sector
- Exploit several hours of superior networking opportunities
- Learn how generate value from the region as an investor or entrepreneur
Pre-Conference Event on 17 October 2012:
Life Scence Open Space: open innovation day in association with the Life Science Cluster, Krakow: twenty investment/ collaborative opportunities in the life science of Central Europe.
BIG-Education Centre Greifswald cooperates with the technical university of Szczecin
17.10.2012, 13:33 by Birgit Pscheidl
The Delegation from Greifswald visited the new Education and Research Center for Renewable Energy in Szczecin.
“We want to establish ourselves as a crossborder service provider for the energy industry. For that we need powerful partners.” Said Mrs. Antje Mayfarth, which offers the training course for the International Energy Manger since September 2012.
Screening of newbornes including cystic fibrosis
16.10.2012, 07:18 by Birgit Pscheidl
Screening of newbornes including cystic fibrosis: A cross-border German-Polish Cooperation project
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is the first federal state in Germany which will offer in future an additional screening on cystic fibrosis for newborns. On Monday, the 15th October 2012, the project and the expansion of newborn screening were presented to invited members of the media.
"In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern all newborns have a right to a newborn screening for congenital, treatable diseases of the metabolism and hormones. This didn´t include a study on cystic fibrosis until now" said the director of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Professor Matthias Nauck. "Cystic fibrosis is a common and very serious inherited metabolic diseases in Central Europe. An early diagnosis is very important for the affected patients. "
In the press conference, followed by laboratory tour, the study methodology and the medical importance of early detection were presented. The project is realized within the framework of the Operational Programme "European Territorial Cooperation" -"Cross-border cooperation" of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg and the Republic of Poland (VoivoidshipZachodniopomorskie) with the Interreg IV A project "PomScreen".