Baltic Bioeconomy Cluster
With the world population moving towards 9 billion by 2050 and fossil resources dwindling, Europe needs to review its management and use of renewable biological resources.
The depletion of fossil resources, on which the European economy heavily depends, calls for a shift towards a new, post-petroleum society. With its cross-cutting nature, the bioeconomy offers a unique opportunity to address complex and inter-connected challenges, while achieving economic growth.
It can assist Europe in making the transition to a more resource efficient society that relies more strongly on renewable biological resources to satisfy consumers' needs, industry demand and tackle climate change.
The EU bioeconomy already has a turnover of nearly €2 trillion and employs more than 22 million people, accounting for 9% of total employment in the EU.
Baltic BioEconomy Cluster is a special interest group, consisting of research departments, SMEs and representatives of academia and administration from Germany, Poland, and Lithuania (project partners in the EU South Baltic Region project Eco4Life), collaborating with institutions from the Northern Baltic Sea.
The aim of the Baltic Biomaterial Cluster is to develop a common transregional approach for a Knowledge Based Bioeconomy KBBE in the whole Baltic Sea Region, according to the policy of the ScanBalt flagship project "Baltic Sea Health Region" as part of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. ScanBalt is a leading network of clusters, universities, companies and public authorities working within life sciences to promote the Baltic Sea Region as a globally competitive Green valley and Health region.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as Center of Competence for Bioeconomy in Germany is supposed to become pilot region for the Baltic Bioeconomy Cluster, with BioConValley® as central contact for life science and health economy in North Eastern Germany and coordinator of the initiative.
The federal state is closely linked to emerging health economies in Poland and the Baltics, as well as to the dynamic Bioeconomy region in the North of the Baltic Sea.
The Institute for Polymer Technologies e.V. (IPT) provides expert support in matters of research and development as an institution affiliated with Wismar University.
IPT sees itself as a research and development partner to the industry on issues concerning innovations in plastics technologies.
The institute assists and provides support for product and process technology projects from the original concept all the way to the pre-production stage.
Its structural integration into an efficient network of partners makes IPT highly flexible with regard to how its efforts benefit clients and research partners.
The activities of IPT are grouped into three main areas of expertise: product development, process development and material development.
Head of Institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Hansmann
Institut für Polymertechnologie e.V.
23966 Wismar, Alter Holzhafen 19
Fon: (+49) 03841 758-2390
Fax: (+49) 03841 758-2399
Luratec AG is a young, dynamic enterprise of the aviation and aerospace industry based in rostock. The emphasis of the business is laid on the development, design and production of fibre reinforced components. The company furthermore deals with the conception of systems solutions as well as with the research in the fields of light construction and aircraft recycling.
The administration, design and production department of Luratec AG – with a gross hall area of over 1.500 square metres as well as an attached office building of 400 square metres – is favourably situated in regard to transport facilities at the business park Rostock-Schmarl. Luratec ag furthermore runs an office in the CTC composite technology center in Stade.
Besides handling with glass fibre (gfrp), carbon fibre (cfrp) and aramide fibre (afrp), luratec AG also owns a wide knowledge in the field of sandwich-elements made of light metals in combination with carbon fibre and developes, in co-operation with an industrial partner and the institute for lightweight construction at the university of rostock, composites made of renewable raw materials for the aviation industry.
Luratec AG
Hundsburgallee 9b
D-18106 Rostock
fon: +49 381 128393-0
fax: +49 381 128393-29